Sanctioned fights, non-sanctioned fights, smokers, demos, exhibitions, 'sparring shows', MMA, Boxing, San Shou, Pankration, ....and any other name where a bout takes place to give a fighter a chance to get in the ring and throw punches and kicks and test their training.
Our registration form requires you to disclose EVERYTHING - ALL ring experience. To be CLEAR and make sure everyone is reporting the same experience, we explain everything below. If we do not cover something specific below or you are confused by the explanation, PLEASE ASK for confirmation! If you do not report something and we discover it during research, you CAN be disqualified if it is significantly different than what we find and/or if you are in a novice division and wouldn't fit into it if all of your experience is counted. If it is not reported and we miss it during research and you are declared the winner AND discovered AFTER the tournament is over, you will be disqualifed! This especially applies to the Novice divisions!
When in doubt, ASK!
We ask for FULL DISCLOSURE on our registration form. Even if you do not feel it should be counted, we still require it to be disclosed!
We split it up into 6 areas:
- Muay Thai, Kickboxing, San Shou
- Smokers, Exhibitions, Demos
- SCORED "Scrimmages" (PMT, PKB, Advancing events)
- Scrimmages - Non-Scored
- Boxing
- Pankration
- Other, Teammates
If you have 3 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw and one of those wins was by KO or TKO: 3-2-1/1
If you have no wins, 1 loss: 0-1-0/0
Please do NOT report draws as wins or it will be counted as a win! 1-0 means you WON a fight.
Do NOT report the same event twice! If its a Muay Thai Smoker, it is listed as EITHER a MT fight or a Smoker. NOT both!
- Muay Thai (MT), Kickboxing (KB), San Shou (SS) --
Sanctioned by a Sanctioning Body or Non-Sanctioned (some states do not require a promoter to use a sanctioning body). These are advertised as a regular event, typically a night event or a tournament but can also be a day show. Fighters are matched up equally. Safety gear may or may not be used. Medical personnel is present for safety (or better be, if they do not have medical staff, leave! Do not participate!). Knock Outs and TKO's are acceptible and sometimes even rewarded as 'fight of the night' by promoters. Judges are used to score the outcome. A referee is in the ring. Spectators buy tickets. The goal is profit for the promoter even if its not a profitable event. THESE ALL COUNT! You will report it as a Win, a Loss, or a Draw if no winner is declared. W-L-D/KO
- Smokers -- (may also be referred to as something other than a smoker. It could be called a 'sparring' event, depending on the state and commission. ) Is it a revenue-generating event?
A smoker usually takes place inside of a gym, regardless if its your own where you train or someone else's gym. It can also take place in another type of venue and still be called a smoker. It is used as a revenue generating event, either as a fundraiser for the gym or someone else, or just added revenue for the gym owner. Typically, but not always, bouts may be modifed slightly from a 'real' fight. More safety equipment may be used such as face masks, heavier gloves or chest protectors. Rounds may be shorter. Spectators are invited to attend (either by selling tickets or accepting a cash 'donation'), a referee is in the ring for safety, fighters are matched up with fighters from other gyms, and the intent is for experience of what a 'real' fight is like -- It is a SMOKER. THESE ALL COUNT! You will report it as a Win, a Loss, (or a Draw if no winner is declared). W-L-D/K
IF a gym holds an 'open mat' or "open gym" where other gyms are invited to come in for extra training and it is not advertised as an event, spectators are limited, no revenue is collected, it truly is just sparring, than these will not be counted BUT need to be reported under the "Other/Teammates" section!
Smokers or "Sparring" events are NOT to be confused with regular training sessions with your own teammates. We do NOT count true sparring that takes place with teammates during a class or team training. It is only when the above mentioned is in place. When in doubt, ASK!
- Exhibition/Demo -- This can be in a smoker setting or at a regular event. The fight is typically, but not always, called an exhibition or demo because there is a significant difference between fighters. This could be age, sex, weight or experience. The fighters participating in these are usually discouraged from going 100% due to the unfair difference but they still can end in a KO or TKO. These can either be scored with a winner announced or end as a draw where neither fighter is declared a winner. The fighters are still gaining experience in front of a crowd against an unknown opponent. THESE ALL COUNT.
- Scrimmages - Scored. PMT's, PKB's, "Light Contact", "Controlled Contact" - ANY bout where there is a WIN/LOSS outcome IS counted! Any event where Gold and Silver medals, Trophies, and/or Belts are awarded to 'winners' ARE counted. A "tournament" where one fighter is announced a winner and advances ARE counted. This is the actual number of bouts, not the event. For example, a fighter has 3 bouts w/ different opponents, 'winning' each bout and advancing to receive a gold medal. This would be counted as THREE bouts even though it was ONE event.
- Scrimmages - Non-Scored. If the Scrimmage is a MDL, NMTA, YDL-E or TBA-SA Scrimmage where bouts are fully controlled, predetermined draw, and no wins/losses, these do NOT count but does still need to be disclosed. Report the number of individual bouts you have participated in, not the number of events. For example, you have 2 match ups at one event. It is reported as 2 draws. 0-0-2/0
- Boxing - ANY boxing event.
- MMA/GAMMA - ALL MMA experience
- Pankration - While some organizations have modified rules for juniors, we still want to know if junior fighters have participated in Pankration bouts. Adult rules can be similar to MMA and should be counted.
- TEAMMATES --- If a fighter is matched up against a teammate on an event w/ spectators, they may or may not count, depending on where it takes place and the type of event it is on. IF teammates meet up on a smoker or regular event (revenue generating), and have an option to end in a TKO/KO, BOTH fighters need to count this as experience. If a winner is declared, this is reported under Smoker Wins (or Losses), if No winner is announced, it is listed as a Smoker Draw.
Under our 'full disclosure' policy, everything MUST be reported. During research if something is discovered and has not been reported, we will count it on your record.