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Mark your calendar for the next North American Muay Thai Classic on June 25-28, 2015!


 Muay Thai Classic Team Trophy Winners
In 2010, we started awarding a 'Team Trophy' to the team that earned the most points throughout the tournament.
Below are the winners every year. To see how the points are figured out, scroll to the bottom of the page.

MTC 2012 Team Trophy Winner - Southside Muay Thai, Kru Mikey Perez, Ontario
MTC 2013 Team Trophy Winner - Southside Muay Thai, Kru Mikey Perez, Ontario
MTC 2014 Team Trophy Winner - Southside Muay Thai, Kru Mikey Perez, Ontario

MTC 2011 Team Trophy Winner - MAS, Kru Chris Kew, Ontario

MTC 2010 Team Trophy Winner - Lions Den, Master Bob Karmel, Scottsdale AZ

How are points awarded?

Teams Are awarded
1 point for each fighter making weight.
1 point is awarded for each Elimination bout won.
2 points are awarded for each Championship bout won.

*If no bout is fought, no point is awarded. No point awarded for 'bye'.

1 point is deducted for arriving late for bout or unprepared (no cup, thai shorts, etc).
1 point is deducted for each drop before day of weigh ins.
1 point is deducted for
*poor sportsmanship/disrespectful behavior by FIGHTER
2 points are deducted for each 'no show'.
2 points are deducted if a fighter is disqualified for conduct inside the ring.
3 points are deducted for *poor sportsmanship/disrespectful behavior by TRAINER.
* poor sportsmanship/disrespectful behavior is one or more of the following:
using profanity, arguing w/ referee, arguing w/ staff, being excessively difficult to work with, bad mouthing attendees and staff, etc)